Blackpool Food Bank are a non-profit organisation and registered charity providing emergency food parcels on a daily basis through local front line agencies, such as Sure Start Childrens’ Centres and the Citizens’ Advice Bureau, to support families and individuals in Blackpool and the surrounding areas who find themselves in financial crisis and are unable to afford food.
To find out where the food parcels are available during February please click the image below or visit our Helpful information during the COVID-19 crisis webpage where you will find this and lots of other helpful information in the Wellbeing and resource packs section:
If you or someone you know is in need and would like to enquire about their emergency food parcels, please get in touch by sending a direct message on their Facebook page, or by e-mailing info@blackpoolfoodbank.co.uk.
If you would like to donate to Blackpool Food Bank, please get in touch by e-mail on info@blackpoolfoodbank.co.uk and they will get back to you with the relevant information.