From Monday, 8th March, 2021 Blackpool Transport will be reintroducing their X service buses, last operated in 2020. The X services are for school and college students only and Blackpool Transport encourage the use of these services so that it will help keep students within their own bubbles and away from other commuters, and therefore helping prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The timetables for all the regular and X services, and the schools and colleges they serve, can be found by clicking here.
Please be aware that when viewing the timetable the date is set from 08/03/21, that way the most up to date timetable will be available.
All bus services for Blackpool Aspire Academy can be found by clicking here.
If you have any questions about the bus services please do not hesitate to contact either Blackpool Aspire Academy or Blackpool Transport by clicking here.