There is no charge for our Winter Wonderland spectacular concert this year, but Highfurlong School will have their craftware for sale at The Gift Box should you wish to purchase that special Christmas gift.


Pzazz Performing Arts Company has been running since 2014. All pupils are welcome to take part on a Tuesday after school. We have a rolling programme of events starting in September when we begin rehearsals for Schools Alive which is usually a scene from the previous Summer Show. We then move on to Christmas rehearsals. We perform our own Christmas show and also perform in February at the Winter Gardens for the Blackpool Music Service Christmas Festival. After Christmas we then pick up our Schools Alive rehearsals again and perform there. After half term the Summer Show auditions and rehearsals are in full swing ready for our Summer Spectacular.

We sing, dance and act and give participants old and new opportunities to develop their skills in the Performing Arts. We are so glad to be back to normal this year and to be performing our Christmas show, Winter Wonderland to a non-socially distanced audience.


The Gift Box has been open since 2019, it is a self-contained shop run by the Sixth form students at Highfurlong School. The shop sells a variety of handmade gifts including personalised mugs, handmade cards, sweet bags and bouquets, we even sell balloons!

The main purpose of The Gift Box is to give all our children and young adults the opportunity to be creative and make items they can be proud of, that they can sell to other classes and the general public. Each child makes their own money to spend on who they want, offering our children a sense of independence, ownership and resilience. We have lots of links with outside agencies such as Headstart and Boing Boing and often are asked to make personalised merchandise for them.

Why not pay us a visit, we are open to the public on a Thursday morning from 10.00am - 11.30am, we would love to see you!