Dear parents/carers,
We hope our email finds you well. As we are now well within the second half term of this school year, we wanted to take this opportunity to highlight the importance of good and consistent attendance to school.
Not only will your child gain a steady understanding of the subjects they study day in and day out, but they will also be increasing their life chances of success by being in front of their teacher who will equip them with the necessary skills to prosper both academically and personally. Attending school consistently ensures that your child is actively engaged in their learning, benefiting from valuable classroom interactions, and building strong relationships with their peers and teachers.
We understand that students may occasionally experience minor illnesses such as coughs, colds, or mild temperatures. However, whenever possible, please ensure your child attends school as we are equipped to support students. Our dedicated team of medical first aiders are trained to provide appropriate care and support to students when in the academy.
As we now move forward into the festive period, we as Heads of Year will be looking to reward those students who demonstrate exceptional attendance throughout this term. This will culminate in an exciting ‘Festive Afternoon’ during the last week of term whereby those with attendance of 94% or over and less than 8 negative behaviour points will be invited to a special Christmas based event!
As always, we are on hand to answer any queries you have relating to attendance and will actively work with you in breaking down those barriers you feel may inhibit your child achieving a good and consistent level of attendance. With this in mind, please feel free to contact us at the school and we will endeavour to return your call once our teaching commitments have finished for the day.
Kindest regards
Mr. P Grihault
Head of Year 7
Mrs D. Kerr
Head of Year 8
Miss L. Eastwood
Head of Year 9
Mr. J Brown
Head of Year 10
Mr D. Jenkinson
Director of KS4