Dear Parent/Carer,

Changes to the School Uniform

In recent months the standard of school uniform, particularly on days where students have PE, has deteriorated. This is extremely disappointing as students arriving in their PE kit has huge benefits in terms of extending the length of PE lessons.

However, due to the decline in the standard of uniform I have taken the decision to revert to our pre-COVID practices of students bringing their PE kits in their bags on the days they have it.

Therefore, from Monday 4th July students are to attend school in their normal non-PE kit uniform. Making the change now rather than from September will provide the current Year 7 and 8 students, who have never experienced using the changing rooms, with a few weeks to become familiar with the new routines before we break up for the summer holidays.

This change is for all students in all year groups and is non-negotiable. If a student does arrive in PE kit they will be placed in isolation for the remainder of the day. Similarly, sanctions will be in place for students that do not bring their PE kit to school.

Thank you in advance for your support in this matter.

Yours faithfully,

John Woods