10th December 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
Tree Planting Project – School Fields, 14th and 15th December 2021
The school has organised some conservation and ecology workshops with various local and national organisations protecting wildlife and the environment this year. The new project will see each student planting his/her own tree within the school grounds.
Groundwork UK and The Woodland Trust have agreed to support the conservation and biodiversity project that will see over 2000 seedlings and shoots being planted over the next few months. Each student will have the opportunity to take part and contribute to the school’s effort to protect the environment.
The first classes attending the workshops will be Year 7 and the Alternative provision teams. The timetable for next week is as follows:
Tuesday 14th December:
9.55am: 7T class in 7xFr1 with Mrs Lumber
10.10am: KS3 Alternative provision class
2.05pm: 7O class in 7xHi2 with Mr Carter
Wednesday 15th December
9.55am: 7A class in 7xGg3 with Mr Youde
11.10am: 7P class in 7yFr1 with Ms Plancke
2.05pm: 7S class in 7xSc4 with Miss Eastwood
It is likely the school’s grounds will be muddy on those days so the students will require to have with them a spare change of trousers, some wellies/trainers they do not mind getting wet and coats/hats. Gloves and gardening equipment will be provided by the teams.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at p.plancke@aspire.fcat.org.uk or ring the school office.
Yours sincerely,
Miss P. Plancke
Science and MFL Teacher
STEM coordinator
Entitlement Curriculum coordinator