Dear Parent/Carer,
In response to the COVID pandemic and national lockdowns, the government has provided schools with funding to offer tutoring for students to help them “Build Back Better”.
At Blackpool Aspire Academy, we have partnered with the charity TalentEd to provide online tutoring for students in either English, Maths or Science for Years 7-10.
From January, we will offer 15 1-hour weekly tutoring sessions in either of these subjects online, which students can take part in from home. We are offering this on a first come first served basis. We will also provide technology (laptops, dongles etc.) for any student that needs them. In the first instance, this will only be offered to Pupil Premium students.
If you and your child are interested in participating in this program, please complete the online google form that can be found via this link. On it you can select which of the three subjects you would prefer your child to receive tuition in. This letter is also on our website.
Link: https://forms.gle/zq1pRbCq4Ese1a2a6
Students will be taught online in small groups of 3 with others from school. The topics that will be covered have been selected by our subject teachers. We have based our decisions on content from assessments and classwork that the students have completed since their return from the national lockdown in March.
If you have any further questions, please contact me at w.buchanan@aspire.fcat.org.uk.
Yours sincerely,
William Buchanan
Assistant Headteacher