Chindit Detachment are hosting an open night on the 11th October with doors opening at 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start. There will be multiple stands and displays showcasing all the different activities available.

This event is open to everyone and they look forward to welcoming both parents/carers and young people to see what is on offer.

The detachment is looking for more young people between the ages of 12-18 to get involved and learn new skills!

They are also looking to recruit more adult volunteers to learn new skills, make new friends and give young people an opportunity to grow and become successful young adults.

Based at The Grange Community Centre, Bathhurst Avenue, Chindit Detachment meet every Wednesday from 6.45pm to 9.00pm, covering a wide range of subjects including drill, first aid, fieldcraft, military knowledge, navigation, to name just a few.