Year 11 Results Day
Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope that you are all well and looking forward to a fantastic summer holiday. Year 11 Results Day is Thursday 24th August 2023. This is the day when year 11 students are able to come into school and collect their final GCSE results.
School will be open on that day from 10am. Students will be able to enter via the attendance office doors and collect their results from the main hall. They will be required to sign a number of documents allowing us to request re-marks on their behalf if required and request information on their destinations now that they have left school.
If any students cannot attend on that day to collect their results, please get in contact with me to arrange how these can be distributed. My email address is w.buchanan@aspire.fcat.org.uk.
I would like to take this final opportunity to thank you for all of your support over the last five years and I wish you, your child and your family all the best for the future.
Yours sincerely,
W Buchanan
Mr W Buchanan
Assistant Headteacher