Press Release
Issued 24th March 2023
For Immediate Release
Changes to Blackpool Transport’s fares and tickets from Sunday 2nd April 2023
From Sunday 2nd April, there will be a change to the price of Blackpool Transport’s saver tickets, tram fares and the types of tickets offered.
There will be changes to Adult, Young Person and Children’s saver tickets and single tram fares. Blackpool Transport have also looked at their ticket offer, simplifying tickets across their range.
These fare changes are being made to protect the frequency and coverage of Blackpool Transport’s network. Without these changes and with operating costs still at an all-time high, Blackpool Transport would have to consider reducing their network, meaning a lower quality service for their customers.
Single bus fares will remain capped at £2 until 30th June due to the extension of the DFT fare cap and single child fares are frozen at £1.50.
There will be a decrease in price for current 24-hour tickets, with data showing just 13% of travelling customers utilise the ‘24 hour’ aspect of the ticket. With this in mind, tickets will be reduced from £6.60 to £6.00 and become ‘Day Tickets’ valid until the last service that day.
App and onboard ticket prices are now the same meaning that when customers buy their tickets direct from Blackpool Transport either onboard or via the app, they can guarantee they are getting the best value.
From the 2nd of April weekly capping will also be introduced meaning that customers who pay via Tap & Go will never be charged more than the price of a 7 Day ticket within a 7 day period no matter how many journeys they make.
Jane Cole, Managing Director at Blackpool Transport Services said ‘I have always been proud of the premium service that Blackpool Transport offers to the communities we serve, and this is not something we want to compromise.
Our company continues to be significantly affected by industry-wide challenges and we are at an all-time high with operational, staff and fuel costs.
We understand that with the current climate, fare increases are never welcome, however we strongly believe that our fares still offer really good value for money.
By aligning our app and onboard prices, all customers can access the best value fare when they buy directly from us. We want to ensure our tickets and services are accessible for everybody, and with this change you don’t need access to the internet or a mobile phone to access the best value fare.’
Customers can view the new fares and read more information at blackpooltransport.com.