Dear Parent/Carer,
An amazing half term
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support throughout what has been a fabulous return to normal schooling at Aspire. Following all the restrictions that we imposed during the last academic year, with ‘bubbles’, staggered starts/finishes, etc., we have enjoyed a tremendous restart to a more normalised way of working with our students once again moving around the building accessing specialist classrooms, a broader curriculum offer and a full suite of extra curricula activities.
I was extremely proud of the way that all of our staff and students adapted to the COVID landscape at Aspire and I have been equally impressed with how everyone has performed during this half term. We have just held our celebration assemblies this week with many students reaching achievement milestones such as their Bronze or Silver awards in addition to countless Kindness awards in each year group. A huge well done to all the students that have achieved these awards!
Attendance, which is crucial to a child’s progress and wellbeing, has been lower than I would have hoped, however, our figures are above the national average, which is pleasing. We have increased the frequency of home visits and implemented a greater range of attendance initiatives to support improvements. These will increase further in the next half term during the run-up to the Christmas break. It is vital that attendance is at the forefront of all plans in school, so please support your child by ensuring they attend school on time every day.
The standard of uniform has, broadly speaking, been excellent. Students attending school in their PE kit on the day they have it continues to be a success with both increased lesson time and participation rates being two of the more obvious benefits. The biggest challenges that we face re uniform on a day to day basis centre around ties, jewellery and non-school hoodies. Please refer to the following link for the uniform standards: -
It is important that all students arrive on time to school ready to learn, and uniform is a major part of a student being ready for the day. Coupled with this is students having the correct equipment. To reduce delays in class with teacher having to supply basic equipment such as pens, pencils, rulers etc., please can you ensure that your child arrives to school with a fully stocked pencil case.
It’s been competition time at Aspire with each form striving for the best attendance and highest number of Golden achievement points. A huge well done to all students and staff involved.
7T: Rewards: 1158 Negatives: 15 Attendance 10,000 Total= 11,143
8O: Rewards: 815 Negatives: 36 Attendance 10,000 Total= 10,779
9P: Rewards: 832 Negatives:36 Attendance 9600 Total= 10,396
10T: Rewards: 958 Negatives: 52 Attendance 9800 Total= 10,706
11S Rewards: 711 Negatives: 10 Attendance 9300 Total= 10,000
Finally, regarding the first half term, I would just like to mention the successful launch of our ‘All United in Reading’ strategy. The cornerstone of this is the Literary Canon. This is taught via a dedicated daily 30minute session in form groups. Each year group has a specific book and my personal favourite at the moment is ‘Frankenstein’, which is the Yr10 text. Reading is priority number one at Aspire and our staff have put their heart and soul into ensuring the strategies around reading are successfully embedded into the curriculum.
The whole school focus during the first week back after half term is the relaunch of ‘Prep’. Prep is a daily piece of homework where students use their Golden Knowledge Organisers to produce a single sheet of A4 based on a specific subject. This will be collected at the start of the day. Failure to complete the previous night’s Prep will result in a 1-hour correction the following day from 3-4pm. This is a nationally proven strategy to improve knowledge acquisition and retention and, therefore, a vital cog in the progress wheel as we build back after the pandemic. More information can be found using the following link: -
As previously stated it has been a joy to be back working in a normal way with our students and our families. We strive every day for the best outcomes for our students and I would like to extend my best wishes to you all for a lovely half term break and I am already looking forward to seeing you all again in November.
Kind regards,
John Woods
This letter and previously sent letters can be found on our website at https://www.blackpoolaspireacademy.co.uk/information/letters