Our first aspirational day for Years 7 and 8 took place today on Tuesday 23rd November. All sessions were based around skills building. It has never been more important to build a set of essential skills to succeed in life for our students: the ability to creatively solve problems, to self-manage, to communicate effectively, and to work well with others. These are skills that are needed to do almost anything well.

The need for these skills is clear, however too many young people in the North West area do not build these skills to the level they need, and so miss out on opportunities to thrive in other parts of their lives. Our teachers have been therefore pro-actively teaching, especially today, but also throughout the year in other parts of the curriculum, employability, communication, problem solving and leadership skills as well as career choices.

A very informative and calm day for our KS3 students, who understood the relevance of these skills by linking them with the real world and by bringing real-life problems and challenges to work on.